Ampalaya (bitter melon) with a scientific name Momordica charantia, is a vine and tendrils of which grow to 20 centimeters long. This herbaceous plant belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae and is a tropical and a subtropical vine. Ampalaya heart-shaped leaves that are 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter. The fruits of ampalaya vine with green fleshy pointed ends in length. Not to be confused with any other variety, because its surface ribbed and wrinkled ampalaya always been different physical structure. The bitter taste of ampalaya fruit had also been the factor that distinguishes the rest of the fruits with medicinal value, and this is due to the presence of a substance known as momorcidin.
Ampalaya has been a folk cure for generations, but now has proven to be an effective drug herbal for many aliments. The most significant of which is for diabetes. The Philippine variety has proven to be more powerful. Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavonoids and alkaloids that the pancreas produce more insulin that controls blood sugar in diabetics. Aside from Ampalaya medicinal value, is a good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorus and calcium.
Ampalaya has been used even by the Chinese for centuries. The effectiveness of Ampalaya as a herbal medicine has been proven by many clinical and research laboratories worldwide. In the Philippines, the Department of Health has approved Ampalaya as an alternative medicine to help alleviate various ailments including diabetes, liver problems and even HIV. Apart from these, ampalaya also helps treat skin diseases and cough. Its value extends herbal to enhance the sterility of women, antiparasitic, antipyretic, and has purgative functions, too. Note: In large dozes, pure Ampalaya juice can be a purgative and abortifacient.
Herbal Benefits of Ampalaya:
• Good for rheumatism and gout
• And diseases of the spleen and liver
• Helps reduce levels of blood sugar
• Helps reduce blood pressure
• Relieve headaches
• disinfects and heals wounds and burns
• Can be used as a remedy for cough and fever
• The treatment of intestinal parasites, diarrhea
• Helps prevent some cancers
• Improves immune system to fight infections
• For the treatment of hemorrhoids
• It is an antioxidant and anti-parasitic
• It is antibacterial and antipyretic
Preparation and use of Ampalaya:
• For coughs, fever, parasites, diarrhea, diabetes, juice the Ampalaya leaves and drink a spoonful daily.
• For other diseases, fruit and leaves can be both juice and taken orally.
• Headaches For wounds, burns and skin diseases, apply warmed leaves to the affected area.
• The powdered leaves and decoction of the root can be used as strict and apply to treat hemorrhoids.
• Internal parasites have proven to be ejected ampalaya juice, from its leaves, is extracted. Ampalaya juice, and ground seeds should take one tablespoon three times a day, which is also used to treat diarrhea, dysentery and chronic colitis.
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