Herbal remedies include leaves, flowers, stems, fruits and roots of plants to prevent,
alleviate and treat the disease. From the perspective of traditional communities herbal medical.
treatments are not taken seriously, or is considered experimental. In reality medicine herbal
has a long history (over 5,000 years) and estimated.
Many known drugs developed in the last 100 years (approximately 35%) were obtained
of ancient healing traditions that treated health problems with a specific plant or plants.
Today, science has isolated the medicinal properties of a large number of botanical and
therapeutic components have been extracted and analyzed. Many plant components
are synthesized in large laboratories for use in pharmaceutical preparations. It is estimated
More than 1 in 4 current conventional medicines get their base from a base of medicinal herbs.
But there is no laboratory error made prescription drugs are chemicals, and
have many side effects listed on the label. In addition, a high percentage of
prescription drugs failed to win a unanimous vote of the FDA panel for safety
during the initial approval process.
The conclusion is that while herbal remedies are not for everyone, they do provide a valuable
treatment option for those concerned about security or simply trying to reduce the amount of
chemicals they are putting into their bodies ..
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